Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Person's Identity is Worth Fighting For

Long hair with princess curls & natural highlights,
Eyes like a kaleidoscope, Never seem to be the same colour.
Nails, a little short with silver glow in the dark nail polish, chipping away.
Small owl ring on my left pinky finger. Blue Cardigan, warm and fuzzy from my favourite store. White polo shirt & blue shorts, my school uniform.
Baby pink shoes, that aren’t pink anymore. Hole in my left shoe, which I stitched up last night.
Tall compared to my friends,
Thats Me.

From “ffish” and “psgetti”.
I am High-5 and Barney, and Dipsy, La-la, Tinky Winky and Po.
I’m Hannah Montana hair flips and “Nobody’s Perfect”

From the princess curls in my hair, the hair-tie ever on my wrist.
I’m all tutus and tights, arabesques and pirouettes.
from “point your toes” and “thats not good enough” and “fix up your hair”
from hobo bunny and scruffy the dog, who live by my bed.
from Gus Gus, Toffee and Patches, sadly, their dead.

I am from road rage and traffic jams.
From koalas and kangees.
living in eternal summers and never ending rain.

I am pig noses in the back and billy-carts out the front.
“thats Crodashnikle!”  duck cappuccino I named in the park.
“sew straight ” and  “Pay attention to detail dear”.
“learn from your mistakes”
Im all these memories,
stacked up,
laid out,
and cross-stitched into my personality.

Is a Person's Identity Worth Fighting For? Why or Why Not?
A persons identity is worth fighting for. You have the right to be who you are and who you want to be. You can be yourself and nobody has the right to change you. People should accept you for who you are. People are unique and we should embrace it, not cower behind what is seen as right and acceptable. Some elements that pressure a persons identity are peer pressure, social attitudes and tradition.

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