Thursday, March 21, 2013

Making the Invisible Visible

        Police corruption is a large issue that is wide spread across Malaysia. Police corruption is when police break the due process of the criminal justice system. This may include extortion, taking bribes, blackmailing and unnecessary force. This impacts everyone in the community. Police officers have pulled my parents and I over and asked for bribes, which is the most common form of police corruption in Malaysia. Most people agree to pay these bribes out of ease, yet this just carries the issue on and the problem will never be resolved if this continues. If the head police offices don't receive these fines, there will be a lack of money to support the police force, which will result in a lowering of police salaries. This will cause even more police officers to turn to corruption as they need money to support themselves and their families. I have found a strange pattern in some of my research  All cases of police corruption that have been reported and brought to court, have had trials over two years after their conviction. I'm very curious to research even more to find out why this may be. It may be that all courts are heavily booked and it takes a while to find room, or it could be something more complicated.  Learning about this issue makes me disappointed in todays society. One of the ways to stop police corruption is for the public to stop participating in it. If every citizen offered a bribe, refused to pay the bribe and paid the fine the proper way, the corrupt police would eventually give up on trying to hand out bribes and the issue would be on its way to being resolved. 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

How to Deal with a Dictator

         Powerful, authoritative, demanding, corrupt, deceiving, oppressive, all words to describe a dictator. A dictator oppresses a county and it becomes a struggle to live within. It takes more than one to go against a dictator, and even with a group, it may seem almost impossible, yet there are some possible ways to regain power from a dictator. Some of these ways include forming an embargo, organising a revolution to replace the dictator, start a rebellion/uprising or by a benevolent dictator gaining power.
         An embargo is when a particular country is restricted supplies and foreign imports. The United Nations (UN) have begun to impose an embargo on North Korea. The UN want the North Korean government to realise that they are not going to get any support from the outside. They hope that the North Korea government will not persist with their threats, as they need the imports to sustain their economy. A revolution is when a particular group attempt to go in and overthrow the government. President, communist and dictator to Romania, Nicolae Ceausescu, was brought down from power and killed in a revolution during December of 1989. A rebellion is when a group go against the government in search of change. The Italian resistance movement overthrew Mussolini towards the end of World War 2 . A Benevolent dictator is a leader that fights to remove an oppressive dictator for the good of their country and replace with a new person who makes decisions that benefit the greater good, not for personal gain. Armies supported Mustafa Kamal Ataturk with an attack on the Ottoman empire to remove the ruling oppressive dictator. Once he had removed the dictator there and assumed power,he used his large amounts of power to implicate laws that gave women more rights and that promoted the abolishment of religious discrimination and segregation.
          A malevolent dictator can be coerced peacefully by economic sanctions, alternatively the threat of violence or at the other extreme through violence by the suppressed people and/or its allies. Some of these tactics to remove a dictator out of power work better than others and none of these ways are guaranteed to work. People under the rule of a dictator are in such desperation to be free, they feel they need to at least try to be rid of the oppression, even if trying costs them their lives.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Chaeli Mycroft: Fighting For Acceptance, Spreading Hope

Think about what you love to do. Now imagine that you couldn’t move your arms and legs, mentally handicapped and unable to leave a wheelchair. Can you still do those things now? Or would the disabilities stop you? Michaela “Chaeli” Mycroft was born with cerebral palsy, making her wheelchair bound for life. Instead of letting life get to her, she decided to go out and make a difference. Chaeli was nine when she first started raising money for her own motorized wheelchair and carried on her fundraising with aspirations to help others like her . Now 17, and the winner of the 2011 children's peace prize, Chaeli has achieved in a couple of years which some spend a lifetime doing. Being handicapped her whole life, living in a wheelchair and diagnosed with cerebral palsy , Chaeli understands the challenges that the disabled have to face. She decided to make a change and help other children with disabilities by opening up opportunities, fighting for acceptance and spreading hope.

Growing up disabled, Chaeli understood that even the slightest bit of assistance could open up possibilities for a person. Chaeli is working to raise money to provide equipment and physical therapy for disabled children living in South Africa. Chaeli’s motorized wheelchair changed her life. She could do more and felt independent. She wanted others to feel the same way: “At the age of 9, Chaeli and her friends and sister started a project to raise money for an motorized wheelchair for Chaeli. In just seven weeks they raised more than enough money, so Chaeli decided to help more disabled children.” 1  By getting others involved she has been able to broaden her campaign to help a large amount of children: “This project has become the Chaeli Campaign, a professional organization that annually helps more than 3000 children with disabilities in South Africa with equipment, physical therapy and which defends the rights and acceptance of disabled children. Chaeli inspires other children to start projects and for that she has developed an ambassadors program.” 1  These children would not get the assistance Chaeli is proving them otherwise as their families can’t afford it. Chaeli's assistance has helped and is helping open opportunities for thousands of disabled children in South Africa.

Throughout her campaign, Chaeli ultimately wants to spread hope to the thousands of disabled children she supports. All her efforts are to help disabled children feel empowered and successful. She wants them to go after their dreams and remain hopeful. Chaeli once said in a speech “Hope is what keeps us going” 5 Her experiences have proven this to her. It’s what keeps us striving for the lives we deserve. I have hope for myself, but I also have hope for all other children with disabilities.” 5 Chaeli knows that her efforts will help. She knows her commitment has helped bring newfound hope to the thousands of disabled children she has helped, and the thousands more to come.

Chaeli wants all children like her to feel needed and accepted within their families and society. Chaeli was lucky in the sense that her friends and family always tried as hard as possible to include her in everything they did. Because of this, Chaeli is the inspirational, fun loving person she is today. She wants disabled children all over to have the same upbringing. ‘“They have raised me to accept my disability. If they stopped believing then I would’ve too and then I would have lost it. My friends are equally as important to me. They treat me like an able person. They even changed games that they usually played so that I could play with them and it’s fun when we are all in it together. In a way my friends treating me like a normal person led to other people treating me normally. They helped a lot” 7  She also wants the disabled to be accepted within society, not treated as outcasts. Within the communities she helps, she tries to promote acceptance and involvement. “I hope that my actions as an ability activist will leave the world more accepting and more accommodating for all people and not just people with disabilities, because we are all different and we all have the need to be accepted regardless of having a disability or not.”6  Chaeli’s determination has helped promote and engage acceptance for the thousands of disabled children in South Africa.

Chaeli’s campaign started small but has grown into an organization of hope, acceptance and opportunity. Chaeli’s work has helped thousands of Disabled children in South Africa find their place in the world. People like Chaeli are the people who change our world. They are impetuses of change for the rest of society.

Chaeli’s campaign “Hope in Motion” helps thousands of disabled children living South Africa get the support they need. The donations have helped set up schools for the disabled and purchase aids and equipment. With the physical support, the campaign has brought hope and the willpower they never had before. Chaeli has helped thousands of children like herself realize their own dreams and given them the hope and ability to follow their hearts. She is an inspiration for us all.           

Sources Used:

1: "2011 Chaeli Mycroft." 2011. 17 Oct. 2012 <>
2: "SA Career Focus: Chaeli Mycroft." 2011. 17 Oct. 2012 <>
3: "SA Career Focus: Chaeli Mycroft." 2011. 17 Oct. 2012 <>
5: "2011 Chaeli Mycroft." 2011. 17 Oct. 2012 <>
6:"2011 Chaeli Mycroft." 2011. 17 Oct. 2012 <>
7: 2011 Chaeli Mycroft." 2011. 17 Oct. 2012 <>
8: "Chaeli Mycroft: HOPE IN MOTION -" 2012. 17 Oct. 2012 <>

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Harrison Bergeron - Vonnegut's Message

        In Vonnegut's short story, Harrison Bergeron, Vonnegut tries to get his readers to appreciate and value what makes them different. Vonnegut twists our perception of "equality is the way to a utopia" and tries to make us see that in a different light. Whilst being equal has its advantages, everyone would be the same. People wouldn't have their own weaknesses or strengths, nobody would have their own individual talents. The dystopia Vonnegut has created clearly demonstrates his perception on the topic of individuality and the keeping of one's character. In the story, the ballerinas are ridded of their physical talent by the government adorning them with handicaps. "He tried to think a little about the ballerinas. They weren’t really very good-no better than anybody else would have been, anyway.They were burdened with sash-weights and bags of birdshot, and their faces were masked, so that no one, seeing a free and graceful gesture or a pretty face, would feel like something the cat drug in." (Page 131) The ballerina's here are being oppressed from showing off their own talents. The equality is oppressing them and their identity. Harrison Bergeron's abilities, appearance and knowledge had attempted to be taken away from him by the government. "The rest of Harrison’s appearance was Halloween and hardware. Nobody had ever born heavier handicaps. He had outgrown hindrances faster than the men could think them up. Instead of a little ear radio for a mental handicap, he wore a tremendous pair of earphones, and spectacles with thick wavy lenses. The spectacles were intended to make him not only half blind, but to give him whanging headaches besides. Scrap metal was hung all over him. Ordinarily, there was a certain symmetry, a military neatness to the handicaps issued to strong people, but Harrison looked like a walking junkyard. In the race of life, Harrison carried three hundred pounds. And to offset his good looks, the men required that he Wear at all times a red rubber ball for a nose, keep his eyebrows shaved off, and cover his even white teeth with black caps at snaggle-tooth random." (Page 134) Harrison is not allowed to keep his looks, mind and strength for fear that he may be better than everyone else, which would upset the equality. All that makes Harrison, Harrison, has been taken away from him by the government. George's intelligence had also been ripped away from him. George wore a mental ear handicap that played a loud, excruciating sound in his head every twenty seconds. This was to mess with and interrupt his train of thought. The government wants everyone to be as smart as each other, not have some be smarter than the others. "Every twenty seconds or so, the transmitter would send out some sharp noise to keep people like George from taking
unfair advantage of their brains." (Page 130) Hazel isn't required to wear one as she is of average intelligence, the same level they are dragging everyone else down to. Hazel isn't the brightest person yet the government seems to see this as being ideal. Vonnegut's dystopia is a place of equality and oppression. There is no such thing as a utopia as all things have repercussions. In Vonnegut's dystopia, complete equality is put in place at the expense of individuality and uniqueness. Vonnegut shows his readers that equality is an acceptable way of life to an extent. People should learn to cherish their differences  The degree of equality in the Vonnegut's dystopia is out of hand, making it a dystopia. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A Person's Identity is Worth Fighting For

Long hair with princess curls & natural highlights,
Eyes like a kaleidoscope, Never seem to be the same colour.
Nails, a little short with silver glow in the dark nail polish, chipping away.
Small owl ring on my left pinky finger. Blue Cardigan, warm and fuzzy from my favourite store. White polo shirt & blue shorts, my school uniform.
Baby pink shoes, that aren’t pink anymore. Hole in my left shoe, which I stitched up last night.
Tall compared to my friends,
Thats Me.

From “ffish” and “psgetti”.
I am High-5 and Barney, and Dipsy, La-la, Tinky Winky and Po.
I’m Hannah Montana hair flips and “Nobody’s Perfect”

From the princess curls in my hair, the hair-tie ever on my wrist.
I’m all tutus and tights, arabesques and pirouettes.
from “point your toes” and “thats not good enough” and “fix up your hair”
from hobo bunny and scruffy the dog, who live by my bed.
from Gus Gus, Toffee and Patches, sadly, their dead.

I am from road rage and traffic jams.
From koalas and kangees.
living in eternal summers and never ending rain.

I am pig noses in the back and billy-carts out the front.
“thats Crodashnikle!”  duck cappuccino I named in the park.
“sew straight ” and  “Pay attention to detail dear”.
“learn from your mistakes”
Im all these memories,
stacked up,
laid out,
and cross-stitched into my personality.

Is a Person's Identity Worth Fighting For? Why or Why Not?
A persons identity is worth fighting for. You have the right to be who you are and who you want to be. You can be yourself and nobody has the right to change you. People should accept you for who you are. People are unique and we should embrace it, not cower behind what is seen as right and acceptable. Some elements that pressure a persons identity are peer pressure, social attitudes and tradition.