The Giver by Lois Lowry is a book about Jonas, a boy who lives in a community where everyone's future is decided for them at the age of twelve. Each and everyone is placed in a job by the higher officials of the community. If you do not like the job you are given, you can apply for a change. Even when applied for, it is very rare for a change in jobs to occur. In class we have been asked to answer and reflect on the following question:
Would you want your future to be decided by others?
I would not want my future to be decided for me. I would like to be able to have some sort of say in my future. I don't want someone to have full control of my future. If someone did not like their job/position they would apply for a change, which were very rarely honored. It is a VERY important decision which would effect the rest of your life. I don't believe someone can make this big of a decision for you. Even if they knew you really well, they still may not chose the correct thing for you. This big of a decision needs to be made personally.
Although the community appears to be 'Perfect' there are a lot of faults. The choosing of the community's future being one of these faults. I do NOT believe that a single person or a group of people, just by observation and limited communication, can decide one's future. They would not know your own, personal feelings about everything. There might be an mistake in the person's feelings, and may not like what was chosen for them at all. Even Jonas says in the book felt like they had chosen the wrong person for the job and didn't like it.
Even though in Jonas's community usually everyone seems to like the jobs they are given, I still believe it would be better if everyone were in control of their own future.
So to answer the question, NO! I would definitely not want someone to be in control of my future.
I think you really showed in this blog post that You completely dislike the idea of somebody else deciding your future. I don't really know what to change, it explains your points wel, and there are not a lot of mistakes here, well, no spelling or grammar mistakes,and I can't really see any writing mistakes either, and I think that it's really neat how you used "NO" and " VERY" here, I could tell you put a lot of thinking into this post, and that you "stick to your guns" and I don't think that I am able to persuade you to change your mind.