Stephanie, my name is from Greek origins. It means “Crown” or “Crowned One”. It comes from the Greek male name, Stephanos.
My parents used to live in a small town north of Kuala Lumpur, called Kuala Lipis. They would commute from there to Kuala Lumpur for doctor’s visits when my mum was pregnant with me, a two-hour drive. To pass the time they would discuss and decide baby names as they drove along. They both agreed on the name Stephanie after Princess Stephanie of Monaco. My middle name, Grace, was chosen after an old family friend and also Princess Grace of Monaco.
Lots of my friends shorten my name and just call me Steph. My brother used to call me “Di Di” when he was small and couldn’t say my name yet. He got it off a cartoon in which the older sisters name was Di Di. He never calls me that anymore. My parents sometimes call me “Pooks”, after a book I used to like when I was small.