Wednesday, January 26, 2011

City Connection Reflection

Over the past week, my class 6B has been sharing connections with a city we have lived in, compared to Egypt. We were asked to create a powerpoint that explained and showed the environmental factors, historical factors, statistical information and images of maps and images of the country and its surroundings. We then had to present our presentation to the class and then sit down and watch them present.

I think I did well in making my slideshow visually appealing by using slide transitions and the effective use and placement of pictures and photographs. The content of the presentation is a good overview, this is supported by many photos of Melbourne and its surroundings.
I will improve the amount of text I put on my slides. On some of my slides I had the right amount of text on the slides and on others there was too much text on the slide. I could add more slides which would help reduce the volume of text on each slide and this would help make my presentation longer and even more informative.

For future presentations, I learnt that it is easier to plan out what I am going to say to my audience. I will try to memorizing what I am going to say or write it on notecards for my next presentation.

I learnt from my peer's presentations, that it is difficult to understand what people are saying when they speak really fast. It is better to speak really slowly than to rush through what you are going to say.

I met each of the requirements on the rubric by having the rubric open while I was creating my presentation. I used the rubric as a check-list that I referred back to while creating and editing my slides. I could then ensure that I had everything that was required for me to have in my slideshow presentation.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Learning Profile

            It is hard to believe but you can figure out what side of your brain is more dominate by knowing your dominate eye, ear, hand and leg. It's strange but surprisingly true. By knowing this I was given a letter which represented my learning style. My letter was A and I was also given a profile that gave me more information about myself. From this I learnt that...

1. I learn best when I pay attention to the details. I need to read and be able to understand the details before I am able to fully understand the main idea.

2. I need to work on connecting to information emotionally. When reading a book for pleasure I am able to feel emotion. But when it comes to text books and more non-fiction type books I am  usually unable to connect with it emotionally

3. A strategy I have to help me in my learning is to learn how to manage my time better. I tend to get distracted very easily. One way to help me manage my time is to learn how not to procrastinate.  I will try to put off doing things (eg. Homework) which only wastes more time. I also need to learn how to prioritize. I will try and do things in order of how important they are. For example if I have something due tomorrow and something due the day after tommorow, I will do the assignment that is due tomorrow first.

4. I would like my teachers to know that I prefer to work alone on projects or assignments. I usually end up doing most of the work. People know that I will get the job done anyway and by knowing that they tend to think I will do the work for them.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's 2011!

New Years Resolution 1: Keep in Touch with Family and Friends.
My first New Years resolution is to keep in touch with family and friends. I could do this via email, phone, skype or I could write a letter. Going to an international school, I am used to friends having to move to other places. By keeping in touch with them via email it will help me to miss them less as they will still be a part of my life. I would also like to communicate with relatives as I usually only see them once a year. Its nice to find out what is happening in their lives.

New Years Resolution 2:  Organize my room and locker.
A major issue with me is that I am terrible at organizing things. No matter how hard I try, I cannot seem to organize anything. My room tends to get messy, making hard for me to find anything! My locker is very cluttered. When I organize my locker, it becomes messy again after a few days. If my locker was cleaner I would be able to find things more easily, helping me to be on time for class 


A Snapshot of my Holiday: Yabbying

The bullfrog croaked in the distance. The murky pond remained still apart from the ripples caused by the falling of leaves. My family and I lugged all the equipment up the steep path. We were going yabbying.
Yabbies are a sort of  freshwater crustacean found in Australia. To catch them you tie a piece of string to a stick, tie a piece of meat to the other end of the string, stab the stick into the ground and throw the meat into the water. The only problem with Yabbing is that it requires alot of patience and waiting around, which dosen’t  always come that easily with me!
My mum set up about four lines around the waters edge. All that was left to do was to sit around and wait for a tug. About ten minutes passed and there was no sign of life. The water remained absolutely still. It seemed like the whole lake had been fished out. But luckily that wasn’t the case.
Look!” my brother Bryce yelled “The line, its moving!” We turned our heads in his direction. The line he was pointing at had become tense. There was definitely something biting at the line.  
“I’ll get the net, Steph can you please pull the line in” My mum asked me. I willingly rushed over to where she was standing and grabbed ahold of the line. I slowly pulled the line up. I was careful not to make any sudden movements, because if I did I would scare away the yabby. All of a sudden my mum swung the net down and scooped up the yabby. We finally caught one!
“Yes” I yelled in happiness. I held my hand out to my mum for a hi-5. I was overjoyed!
As time progressed lines became tense more frequently. We caught more and more yabbies. The more yabbies we caught the better we became at catching them. By the end of the afternoon we had caught around 20 yabbies. It truly was a memorable experience.