Unlike normal literature circles, which are completed alone, this time we were assigned a partner to complete our literature circles with. I was paired up with Owen, a boy from my group. I liked working as a pair better, as I was able to talk with my partner and get feedback on my work. There are parts of the literature circle in which I understood more clearly than my partner, however my partner better understood other parts. This allowed us to help each other to make our work even better. By working together we had more time to edit and correct our finished work.
A problem my partner and I faced was the fact that we were unable to communicate with one another. Unfortunately we never exchanged phone numbers and we were never online at the same time. If we had been able to talk about our work, and the thinking behind our work, we would have been able to edit and revise our work a lot easier. In order to solve this problem we left notes and information regarding our work via email and on our actual document.
By completing literature circles with a partner I was able to gain a new perspective on different parts of the book. My partner’s responses helped me to understand the main characters problem and situation even clearer, overall this helped me to better understand the novel.
In conclusion, literature circles are an effective way to work but even more so with a partner to assist. Collaborative efforts really help to improve the overall quality work and allow us to receive positive feedback and suggestions.
URL PICTURE 1 BOOK:http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTbp_NmLmp9e9_EDYamb3BV-z_WAKS4Ln7z1x23I63LQUktNZ_k
URL 2 PICTURE 2 CHILDREN TALKING: http://www.clipartpal.com/_thumbs/034/1/sal981209bwr_tnb.png