Well I showed courage on a theme park ride, although that may not sound so courageous, it was for me. Me + 119metres high drop = A very nervous Stephanie! I encountered my fear at Dreamworld at the Gold Coast in Australia. The ride was called “The Big Drop, an 119metres high (39 storey’s) tall pole that carried its victims to the top and then plummeted to the ground at an unexpected time, giving the ride a shocking edge to it. “The Big Drop” was one of Dreamworlds “Big 6 Thrill Rides”, the most thrilling rides Dreamworld; this told me that this ride was not for the fainthearted.
Now it’s time for me to tell you all about my “courageous” experience from my point of view!

All of a sudden the brakes let go of us. We were falling! Every second seemed quicker than the last as the cart had gained speed as it descended. It felt as if you were flying or skydiving. As soon as I got used to the falling I was actually having a lot of fun. But of course the fun did not last long enough as the chairs came to a halt, a halt so firm and steady it felt as if it shook my body apart. The cart slowly moved back into the pace we started, the harnesses were released, I was allowed to un -fasten my seat belt and went to join the queue for another ride.
I learnt that if you do not show enough courage to do something or to try something then you won’t know what you are missing out on. By me showing courage I discovered something new that I found fun and enjoying.
Picture 1(Giant Drop Logo)URL :http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/a/a6/Giant_Drop_Logo.jpg/250px-Giant_Drop_Logo.jpg
Picture 2(Giant Drop Seats)URL:http://resources0.news.com.au/images/2007/06/24/va1237253344332/Giant-Drop-5538514.jpg
Picture 3(Giant Drop Tower)URL:http://database.thrillnetwork.com/dbgallery/photos.php/ip_6223/dreamworld/giant_drop5314.jpg